Monday, January 10, 2011

This took me by surprise today:

everyone of us feels
like we’ll never be healed

everyone of us aches
like we’ll never be saved

and when we’ve given up, let your healing come
when theres nothing left, let your healing come
till we’re rising up, let your healing come

where you go we will follow
where you go we will follow

it’s your love that we adore, its like a sea without a shore, we’re lost in you
we’re lost in you

its like we’re will never atone for all the love we’ve known
like in the smile or a song
when you’ve feel it come, then thats feelings gone
it flies

and when we’ve given up, let your healing come
when theres nothing left, let your healing come
till we’re rising up, let your healing come

where you go we will follow
where you go we will follow

it’s your love that we adore, its like a sea without a shore, we’re lost in you
we’re lost in you

don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid
just set your sails and
Risk the Ocean, there’s only grace
Lets Risk the Ocean, there’s only grace
Lets Risk the Ocean, there’s only grace

where you go we will follow (I’m on my knees)
where you go we will follow (oh, God send me)

-David Crowder

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