Thursday, October 13, 2011

Hunger Games

At the suggestion of my sister, I read the Hunger Games for the first time this year.  I don't care if it involves a gushy teenage love triangle, it really is a great story!  I think all of us, every single one of us, really loves great stories.  You may not love books (I do, when they tell great stories), and you may not love movies (I really do, even if the story's not that great), but even if you dislike both, you can't help but be drawn in when the story is incredible.

Definitely excited for this movie:

Evil taking over, people beat down, standing up for what's right, good defeating evil.  I love great stories because they remind me of the greatest story, the one history and all of us is a part of.  I think we love great stories because we're created as living pieces of God's story, the greatest story ever told.

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