Well guys, he's here, our strapping 8lb. 11oz. 21" boy!
Noah is one of the most ridiculously clear examples to me of our Lord's relationship with us, his hand at work, that I've ever seen. The prayers he has answered, how much more he's given than we thought to ask for, his purpose and plan for every piece of growing this little boy. People say it to the point that it's no longer an impact to hear it, but a baby being born is truly a miracle.
Think about the fact that he couldn't breathe for his entire existence, supported entirely by a tube connecting him to Kelly, and then in an instant he comes out, starts breathing and wailing like a little champ and the cord is cut, quits working. Multiply that 1000x. There are so many examples of God's design in watching a baby grow and be born.
Here's a few of Noah:
Sometimes he's sleepy:
A lot of the time he just chills out:
Then a lot more of the time he's a little grumpy:
Then there's been this thing I've been noticing in pictures of mine...examples like these of my dad and brother showing off things they've caught and shot:
Remarkably similar to the way we show off Noah right now :) What's that about?
Pretty large catch for little Hannah:
Ok, I'll give you one more for good measure, Noah in his new Santa hat. Christmas is right around the corner after all: